Wednesday, March 28, 2018


Sometimes I wonder how peaceful it must be to be a tree. It's content with itself no matter where it is. It could be in a deep forest or high on a hill,. It could be in the middle of a city or on a deserted island. It could be in any far away place where no human eyes will ever fall upon it. And yet it is content. It doesn't seek anyone's attention. It only seeks to grow with the sun above and the ground below . It flowers even when no one's there to see or smell. It bears fruits that perhaps no one will ever eat. It lives for itself. Where does it get its will to live? Where does it get its will to thrive? I guess it enjoys the company I know not of. The soft wind, singing birds, gentle shower and all the nature. The hot sun, cold winter, harsh wind, it bears it all and it bears it well. Never complains. It may shed its leaves, may give up some twigs but come sun, it blossoms again. I wish to be like a tree, content and satisfied.