Tuesday, September 22, 2015

The Fall

Isn't fall the most wonderful time of the year? There is a faint cheerfulness in the air. Sure it's the warning of a cold winter coming up but at least for now it is pleasantly cool. Just after a long hot day a cool evening to please your mind. To Make you forget all long days work. You look forward to a bit of festivity and some rest. Just like in winter. Christmas, New Year and some relaxing time with your family. A year is just a long day. Spring brings hope of a new day. Cool and calm sunlight which gets hotter as the afternoon of summer comes. Year is just a one long day. And days go by so fast.

I love the colors of the fall. First on the trees. Then on the ground. It's a playground. The wind comes to play with the leaves. The leaves jump laughingly. The tree looks at the play lovingly. Leaves jump from here to there. They are happy to play on the ground, to play with the wind. I love fall.

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